You, Yes YOU are Worth Taking Care Of

I recently contemplated many of the things that you and I as humans consider valuable based on how much they cost.

  • GOLD – Gold costs $1,174.86 per ounce (as of 6/26/15 according to
  • DIAMONDS – The price of a 1 carat diamond ranges between $3,080 and $26,950 per carat (according to
  • SPORTS EVENT GAMES – A courtside to one of the 2015 NBA Finals games went for $36,843 (according to
  • CELEBRITY AUTOGRAPHS – a baseball autographed by Babe Ruth was valued at $388,375 (according to
  • SPORTS CARS – A McLaren P1 has a MSRP of $1,150,000 (according to

Now, I have a question for you.  How valuable would any of these things be to you and me if you and I didn’t exist…if we weren’t alive to enjoy or place a worth on them?

We Determine the Worth of “Stuff”…Must Mean that WE are Worth a Lot…

To me, the fact that we have to be alive to attribute worth to these various objects shows how valuable our own lives are, and yet, we’re often more willing to spend large chunks of money on cars and jewelry than on healthy foods that will properly fuel our bodies…

$1000+/ounce for gold vs. $.08/ounce for a 20-oz soda for a valuable body?  Hmmm.

We’ll put all kinds of cheap junk in our bodies, causing them to waste away while keeping china dishes and collectibles in pristine condition.  Something’s wrong with that.

Our bodies are perhaps the most complex, most magnificent creations in the universe.  It is an extreme blessing to have them.

Think about this:  Even with the unquestionable complexity and worth of our physical bodies, they’re actually relatively easy to maintain.  They really don’t require a lot of complicated stuff.

Let me leave you with this one reminder.  Before you give some “thing” more worth and attention than you give yourself, remember that your very life is what assigns worth to the things you like.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. – Psalm 139:14 NKJV


Shawn McClendon
Shawn McClendon is an author, podcast host, fitness entrepreneur and owner of Back to Basics Health and Wholeness LLC, an organization dedicated to empowering people to take responsibility for their own health.

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