#Diet Fails

The following list contains what are, in my opinion, the 10 greatest diet fails being committed in this day and age.  These are some of the things that multitudes of us are doing that we think are healthy, while in reality, not only are they unhealthy, but they also sabotage our weight loss efforts.

Check it out.  Are you committing any of these major diet failures?

Top 10 Diet Fails

  1. Choosing corn as a ‘vegetable’ side
  2. Choosing potatoes and gravy as a ‘vegetable’ side
  3. Choosing macaroni and cheese as a ‘vegetable’ side
  4. Drinking a diet beverage with junk food
  5. Skipping meals
  6. Eating a lot of junk, then going to the gym to “burn it off
  7. Mixing  flavor packets with your water
  8. Drinking a lot of juice because it’s 100% fruit juice
  9. Reducing calories without changing what you eat
  10. Not planning/preparing your meals

These are my top 10.  Some of them are pretty bad, and some of them are just no-no’s.  What do you think?  What are some others you think should be added to the list?

If we’re going to truly get on the road to taking responsibility for taking care of ourselves, it’s not enough to just want to do it.  You have to make sure you know how to do it, and part of knowing how involves knowing how not to do it as well.

Yes, there are plenty of wrong ways to lose weight.  There are plenty of other things we do that we think are improving our health, but they’re making it worse instead.

I recently published a book for you about this.  This spring, why not make a $7 investment into your health to reap a lifetime of benefits?  Click the cover below to read more about my book and make your purchase today!


Shawn McClendon
Shawn McClendon is an author, podcast host, fitness entrepreneur and owner of Back to Basics Health and Wholeness LLC, an organization dedicated to empowering people to take responsibility for their own health.

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