My 6-Month Transformation: Dec 2015 – Jun 2016

1000 Progress 3

Over the last few months, I attempted to document my journey towards doing 1000 push-ups and 1000 chin-ups per day in a series of blog posts.

Well first of all, I will say that I am not doing all of those push-ups and chin-ups.  I simply don’t have the time. Doing all of those reps is hard to do in one sitting, so I basically would have to do reps all day long.

When you’re a husband-father-full time worker-personal trainer-blogger-columnist-church volunteer-have a life besides just exercise kind of person, you just don’t have time to exercise all day long.

Right now, I’ve settled for 250 push-ups/250 sit-ups/100 chin-ups per day.  I am able to do it just fine for the most part, and I take a break if I get too sore.


In the midst of my attempts, however, I was able to make some changes to my body composition as you see above.  Here are my stats for when each picture was taken:

December 2015

Shawn McClendon 5 Dec 2015

Weight:  179.0 lbs

Body Fat %:  10.6

June 2016

Shawn McClendon  18 Jun 2016

Weight:  168.4 lbs

Body Fat %:  8

Now please understand, push-ups and chin-ups were not all I was doing.  There were other exercises in there such as walking, burpees, and monkey bar climbing.  More importantly, I changed my diet, simplifying it to lessen calories and to bump up the nutrients.

Shawn McClendon: Why This Can Help You

Now, I know that the average person isn’t looking to try to get ripped or anything like that.  I personally like to do such experiments with myself as a trainer, since it helps me to test out the techniques I share with those I train.

With that said, if you are looking to live a healthier life – transition to a healthier diet to help prevent disease, personalized exercise routine, fat loss, etc. – I now offer online fitness consulting that you might want to consider.  My current plan is to open it up once every quarter, in January, April, July and October.  July 2016 is already closed, but if you are interested in finding out more and perhaps being put on a waitlist for October 2016, check out my personal training page and e-mail me.

You can take your health back.  If you need that push, maybe my Fitness Consulting is for you.

Shawn McClendon
Shawn McClendon is an author, podcast host, fitness entrepreneur and owner of Back to Basics Health and Wholeness LLC, an organization dedicated to empowering people to take responsibility for their own health.

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