My Type 2 Diabetes eBook to be Released November 29th

I recently finished writing the second book in my “What YOU Can Do” series of eBooks titled “What YOU Can Do About Type 2 Diabetes.”  Here’s the cover…

Diabetes Cover 2

I’m really excited to release it because I found out some really good stuff while researching for it.

A Sample of What’s In the Book

I want to give you a few tidbits of the kinds of stuff I found out that might be helpful for you to know about how to fight and beat Type 2 Diabetes:

  1. Type 2 Diabetes is a sign that your body has become overwhelmed with sugar – the insulin resistance that happens with Type 2 Diabetes results from your body constantly trying to deal with all of the sugar being consumed, and it shows that your body has begun to lose the fight.
  2. It is not unusual for diabetics to have to take more than one medication to “control” diabetes – There are several different kinds of medicine for Type 2 Diabetes, and they all work certain ways.  For example, your doctor may prescribe you with insulin to increase your supply, and he/she may also prescribe you with a drug to lessen your body’s resistance to insulin.
  3. Medications treat Type 2 Diabetes, but they do not and cannot cure it – meds can’t cure Type 2 Diabetes simply because they don’t treat the root cause…LIFESTYLE.  So if you’re taking medicine, you’ll most likely take it forever.
  4. Folks have been able to get off of all diabetes meds just by making lifestyle changes – I came across a study that showed that lifestyle changes really can eliminate your need for medication, but the catch is that you must be willing to change your lifestyle.

The eBook is a quick read and will be officially released on November 29thHowever, you can pre-order the book right now by going here.

Do you know a friend or family member that can use this kind of information?  Share this post with them right now…don’t hesitate.  I sincerely believe that this book can and will save some lives, and you can participate in the life saving right now just by taking 5 seconds to share this post with one of the social media buttons above and below the post.

Shawn McClendon
Shawn McClendon is an author, podcast host, fitness entrepreneur and owner of Back to Basics Health and Wholeness LLC, an organization dedicated to empowering people to take responsibility for their own health.

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